Cookies are used by our website to distinguish you from other users and enhance your browsing experience. By continuing to browse our website, you consent to the use of cookies.
A cookie is a small file containing information stored on your browser or computer’s hard drive. We use different types of cookies:
Essential cookies: these are required for website operation, such as secure login, shopping cart, or e-billing services.
Performance cookies: they help us track visitors and improve website functionality by analyzing user movement.
Personalization cookies: used to recognize you and remember your preferences for future website visits.
Targeting cookies: these record website activity to personalize advertising and share information with third parties.
Please note that third-party cookies may also be used and are not under our control. You may block cookies by adjusting browser settings, but it may restrict access to parts of our website.
Any changes made to this Cookie Policy will be posted on this page.
Contact us through usual channels for Cookie Policy enquiries.
© 2022 iBreathe Ltd.